For those of you who have build their own light box for flat

Aloittaja siovene, 05.04.2011, 19:35:05

« edellinen - seuraava »


I'd like to build my own light box for flat. I have found what seems to be a good electronic components store in Espoo here:

Do you know more, in the Helsinki-Espoo area? Also, where can I buy some plexiglass sheets to use as diffusers? And what about foam boards for the box itself? I have checked Akateeminen because these things are usually found at art suppliers', but to no avail.

Any help is deeply appreciated.


Lauri Kangas

I used an EL-sheet from (or their ebay store to be more specific), plexiglass from Etola (spare bits cost almost nothing) at Tikkurila, Vantaa and connectors from YE. If you use EL foil you don't need any more diffusion since the sheets produce very even illumination. However I used white plexiglass to dim the light down a bit and to provide structural support for the flat box.


Thanks Lauri.
There's an Etola in Forum in Helsinki too. Do you know if they have the plexiglass too? And what is it called in Finnish? :)

Lauri Kangas

It's worth asking if it's nearby but I would doubt it. I think they, as well as Etola at Tapiola, Espoo focus more on household plastic stuff and not building materials. Plexiglas is either simply pleksilasi or akryylilevy ("acrylic sheet").


Lauri Kangas

And by the way there's an older discussion with nice tips and descriptive images at


I think the Etola you Lauri mentioned is actually in Helsinki (Lampputie 2). It's quite close to Tikkurila, though. You can easily find some spare parts from there.
Allar Saviauk